Title: The Unbreakable Bond of Friendship
* Lily - A warm-hearted and optimistic girl
* Sarah - An introverted but kind girl
* Narrator
Scene 1: Meeting
(The stage shows a school playground. Lily is skipping rope happily, while Sarah is sitting alone on the bench.)
Narrator: This is our story about two different girls. Lily is always full of energy and loves to make new friends. Sarah is shy and quiet, often keeping to herself.
Lily (noticing Sarah): Hi! You look so lonely. I"m Lily. What"s your name?
Sarah (looking up with surprise): I"m Sarah. It"s okay. I just like being here quietly.
Lily: But it"s more fun to play together. Would you like to join me in skipping rope?
Sarah (hesitantly): Well... Okay.
(They start skipping rope together. At first, Sarah can"t do well, and Lily patiently teaches her.)
Lily: Come on, Sarah. You"re doing great!
Sarah (smiling): Thank you, Lily.
Scene 2: Conflict
(A few days later. They are in the classroom working on a group project. Lily has many ideas and speaks quickly, while Sarah is thinking carefully before speaking.)
Lily: Let"s do this way. It will be very cool.
Sarah: Um, I think we should consider other factors. Maybe this plan is not suitable.
Lily (getting upset): Oh, Sarah. My idea is the best. Why don"t you agree? You always take too long to decide.
Sarah (hurt): I just want us to do better. If you don"t like my opinion, I won"t say anymore.
(Sarah puts down her things and runs out of the classroom.)
Scene 3: Regret and Apology
(Later that day, Lily feels regretful. She goes to the park where she thinks Sarah might be.)
Lily (calling out): Sarah, Sarah.
(She finally finds Sarah sitting under a tree.)
Lily (apologetically): Sarah, I"m really sorry for what I said earlier. I was too impatient and didn"t listen to you carefully. You always have good thoughts, and I value our friendship very much. Can you forgive me?
Sarah (with tears in her eyes): Of course, Lily. I also shouldn"t run away like that. I know you care about the project. We can discuss it again.
Scene 4: Growth
(Time passes. On the graduation ceremony day. They are both dressed beautifully.)
Narrator: After that experience, they learned how to respect each other"s opinions and cherish their friendship even more.
Lily: Sarah, these years have been wonderful because of you. No matter where we go in the future, I hope we can always be friends.
Sarah: Me too, Lily. Our friendship is unbreakable.
(They hug each other warmly. The curtain falls.)