1. You are the missing piece I didn’t know I was looking for.
2. I don’t need a perfect love, I just need you.
3. All I want is to grow old with you and have you be the last face I see every night.
4. My love for you is like the ocean; endless and deep.
5. In all the world, there is no heart for me like yours. In all the world, there is no love for you like mine.
6. You make everything more beautiful, just by being here.
7. Loving you is like breathing, it just happens.
8. I can’t imagine my life without you in it.
9. With you, I found the home that I’ve been searching for.
10. Every moment spent with you feels like a dream come true.
1. “我绝不会放弃的!”
2. “我只希望你能幸福。”
3. “我们是一个团队,一起并肩作战,共同面对困难。”
4. “无论遇到什么困难,我都会一直陪伴在你身边。”
5. “我会一直在你身边守护你,支持你。”
6. “你的笑容是我最大的幸福。”
7. “我们一起经历了很多,但是未来还有更多的挑战等待着我们,我们要一起克服它们。”
8. “我会一直爱你,直到永远。”
9. “你是我的动力,你的存在让我变得更加坚强。”
10. “我们一起成长,一起追求梦想。”