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2025-02-02 03:47:02分类:表白情话浏览量(






1. My love, just like Jack and Rose in the Titanic, our love story is unique and irreplaceable. Every moment we spend together is a treasure that can never be drowned by the sea of time. You are my unsinkable dream, my dearest.

2. Dearest, when I think of love, the image of Jack drawing Rose on that fateful ship comes to mind. Our love is like theirs, pure and powerful. In this vast world, you are my only harbor, just as Rose found her true haven in Jack"s love on the Titanic.

3. Love, the Titanic may have sunk into the deep blue sea, but the love between Jack and Rose will forever float in people"s hearts. And so does our love. It transcends all obstacles, just like they faced the iceberg but their love remained unshaken. You are my heart"s choice, always.


1. Sweetheart, if we were on the Titanic, I would hold your hand tightly like Jack held Rose"s. No matter what difficulties come, I promise to never let go. Our love is stronger than any disaster, and I want to build a future with you, safe and full of endless love.

2. Darling, as Jack promised Rose an eternal love even facing the doomed Titanic, I swear to you. My love for you is boundless and endless. Through calm seas or turbulent storms, you will always be my compass guiding me home.

3. My beloved, the Titanic was a grand ship, but it met its end. Yet, our love won"t follow its fate. I vow to you, like Jack vowed to Rose, that I will cherish you every day, keep you safe from harm, and make our love journey a beautiful one without any regret.


1. Honey, you are my Jack in this life. When I"m with you, I feel the same passion that radiated from Jack and Rose on the Titanic. Your presence fills my heart with warmth and joy, and I am endlessly fascinated by you, just as Rose was enchanted by Jack"s free spirit.

2. Love, thinking of you reminds me of the love story on the Titanic. It"s a tale of two souls intertwining deeply. You are the one who completes me, just as Jack completed Rose. With you, every day is a new adventure filled with love, laughter, and sweet moments.

3. Sweetie, our love is like a modern version of the Titanic love. It"s grand, it"s passionate, and it"s something that makes my heart skip beats. You are my heart"s desire, the person I want to explore the world with, hand in hand, just like Jack and Rose did on that legendary ship.




Jack: "I"m the king of the world!"

Rose: "You"re理性,Jack。"

Jack: "I"m very rational. I know what I want."

Rose: "And I know what I don"t want. No man is an island, Rose. Even when you think you are."

Jack: "That"s right, Rose. Even when you think you are an island."

Rose: "I"ve never been anywhere before."

Jack: "Well, you"re going to now."

Rose: "Why are you doing this?"

Jack: "Because I love you, Rose. I"ve always loved you."

Rose: "But I don"t love you, Jack."

Jack: "Then why are you doing this?"

Rose: "I don"t know. I just... I have to be sure."

Jack: "Sure of what, Rose? Sure that you"re ready for whatever might come?"

Rose: "I don"t know, Jack. I just... I have to know that I"m not making the same mistake I did before."

Jack: "That"s a risk I"m willing to take, Rose. That"s a risk you have to take."

Rose: "I"m not ready for this, Jack."

Jack: "Then let me help you, Rose. Let me take care of you."

Rose: "No, Jack. Not like this."

Jack: "Why not, Rose? Why can"t we be together?"

Rose: "Because... because I"m scared, Jack. Scared of losing you, scared of what might happen."

Jack: "I love you, Rose. And I"m not going anywhere. I"ll always be here, with you."

Rose: "I need to know that, Jack. I need to know that you"re not just saying these words, that you really mean them."

Jack: "I mean them, Rose. More than anything in my life."

Rose: "Then let me take care of you, Jack. Let me be with you, no matter what happens."

Jack: "Yes, Rose. Yes, let"s be together."


泰坦尼克号英文情话给男友(泰坦尼克号经典英文对话)此文由[db:copyfrom]编辑,于2025-02-02 03:47:02发布在表白情话栏目,本文地址:泰坦尼克号英文情话给男友(泰坦尼克号经典英文对话)http://www.djxy2008.cn/archives/36138.html
