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2025-02-08 03:44:20分类:土味情话浏览量(





1. "You are the sun in my sky, the moon in my night, the stars in my eyes."

2. "You are my everything, my hope, my dreams, and my future."

3. "You are my love, my passion, my heart, and my soul."

4. "You are the key to my heart, the lock to my soul."

5. "You are my everything I ever wanted, my dream come true."

6. "You are my love, my light, my hope, and my future."

7. "You are my everything, my heart, my soul, and my world."

8. "You are my love, my heart, my world, and my everything."

9. "You are my everything, my hope, my dreams, and my future."

10. "You are my love, my heart, my soul, and my everything."

11. "You are my everything, my hope, my dreams, and my future."

12. "You are my love, my heart, my soul, and my world."

13. "You are my everything, my hope, my dreams, and my future."

14. "You are my love, my heart, my soul, and my everything."

15. "You are my everything, my hope, my dreams, and my future."

Remember, these words are just a starting point, and it"s important to personalize them to fit your own feelings and relationship with the person you"re expressing your love to. Good luck!

《一段英语表白的话》精选15句此文由[db:copyfrom]编辑,于2025-02-08 03:44:20发布在土味情话栏目,本文地址:《一段英语表白的话》精选15句http://www.djxy2008.cn/archives/36285.html
